Workplace Physio
For over 25 years we have supported employers by getting injured employees back to work improving productivity and saving money.
We work directly with large and small employers, HR managers, employment case managers and employees to provide a range of services targeting three main areas rehabilitation , work place assessment and injury prevention.
Through our health and fitness programs we can contribute to your workforces wellbeing and fitness.
We provide contract physiotherapy services to small and medium sized business customers, to large business customers, to the NHS and to large public sector employers.
The HSE have reviewed the evidence of using similar services to manage absence.
They cite such action leads to:
- Improved business performance
- Retention of valued staff
- Safe and healthy workplaces
- Better workplace relations
- Better staff morale
The majority of organisations have strategies in place which constitute good practice in managing sickness absence and return to work. We work closely with our corporate customers to help them in the delivery of their objectives and reducing sickness absence.
Your workplace physiotherapy service may include :
- Physiotherapy assessment and treatment services in our clinic for your employees
- A physiotherapy session / clinic on your site.
- We can see injured workers in their homes if appropriate.
- A full documented assessment service providing written evidence regarding an employees health status and response to treatment.
- Information and education media such as lectures, poster presentations, leaflets etc advising employees on a range of subjects from lifting and handling, ergonomics and posture at work, exercise and healthy living etc.
Our specialist clinicians carry out a physical musculo-skeletal assessment to determine an employees physical fitness and functional ability.
FCA is used to assess an individuals suitability to a specific role, to identify areas of concern that can be targeted by subsequent rehabilitation or back to work programs.
FCA may include :
- Musculo-skeletal assessment incorporating
- Flexibility, Muscle strength, Posture, Core control.
- Functional or work place Tests
- Specialised tests designed in relation to the employees role
- General Health Indicators including
- Blood Pressure, BMI, Lung function
Our work conditioning programs are designed to return an employee to their role fit to perform their duties. We work closely with employers to achieve the best result possible in an appropriate and cost effective time frame.
Your Work conditioning program may include :
- A rehabilitation and exercise program
- A cardio vascular program
- A postural re-education program
- A core strength program
- Advice on posture, seating, lifting and work place ergonomics
- General health and lifestyle advice
Workplace assessment
Our trained clinicians can provide a range of workplace assessment services ranging from work station assessment, role specific assessments and lifting and handling assessments.
The reports generated can help to reduce injury and sickness rates aiding employees in their daily work and making them feel cared for and important to your organisation.
Your Workplace assessment may include :
- Workstation assessment
- Seating Assessment.
- Employees postural assessment.
- Employees ergonomic computer set up
- Photographic and video analysis
- Equipment analysis
- Task weight analysis
Injury Prevention
Our trained clinicians can provide a range of workplace interventions largely based on constructive advice following assessment and educational seminars for employees.
Seminars can be used to identify general and specific risks within an organisation and provide preventative advice.
When required written reports and recommendations can be provided
Your Workplace injury prevention program may include :
- Information leaflets
- Educational seminars
- Written reports
- Seating and postural advice
- Lifting and handling